Thursday, August 14, 2008

Play First. Work Later

Now I am at my new home. At first, I felt a bit unsure about it all, but everyone is so nice that I am starting to feel like I can relax. I have lots of new humans to play with me and to lick! In fact, after a stressful two months, I think I want to spend some time relaxing, playing with my new family members, and waiting for inspiration to fill me. I will share with you some of my new discoveries over the next few weeks while I get ready to create my new artwork.

This is my new bed. I like to sleep here with my human at night, or whenever I just feel like taking a nap. I just woke up when this picture was taken...I look good don't I?

Lots of licks,

1 comment:

Helena said...

Who couldnt love this wittle puddums face?