Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dreaming of Spring

This first winter in central New York state has been very challenging for a little half-naked chi-chi like me! Most of my winter has been spent sleeping on heating pads and snuggling in blankets. But I came out of hibernation to tell you that spring is on its way. I know this because yesterday the sun came through the window and I could feel it in the warmth of the sun's rays.

Ah Spring! Soon I will be able to run around outside and paint! Since my studio is not heated, my painting has had to be restricted to warmer weather. I am certain paintings will be bursting out of me like the spring blossoms on the trees!

Below is a little teaser painting, just to remind you that even though it might be cold and snowy outside, rest assured that sunny warm days are coming.

Lots of licks,

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