Sunday, July 13, 2008

I'm the original Chihuahua arteest, but not the only arteest...

People on occasion have mentioned that they have heard of other doggie artists. When I began painting, my human didn't know of any others. But since I have been making art and having shows, we have both learned about other canine painters. Probably the most well-known is Tillamook Cheddar who lives and paints in Brooklyn, NY. My human as also told me about some doggies who paint somewhere in Wisconsin in an animal shelter. A visitor to my studio also said that there was another Chihuahua that painted. I haven't seen the work of the other Chihuahua, however.

Some people feel defensive when they hear of another doggie artist. Some wonder if I am copying another doggie. But, I don't feel like I am copying or or need to be protective of my artistic talent. Each of us doggie artists have different techniques. And that makes our work so exciting and interesting. There are many many human artists out there and most of them don't feel like they should be the only one. There are even other animals that make art besides doggies.

Each artist is unique and brings to their art something of their own personality. Tillamook Cheddar creates her paintings by scratching and biting boards covered with carbon paper. Her paintings are dynamic, expressive pieces that reflect her energetic nature. Another dog creates his paintings by using a brush stuck into a tennis ball. Bold, colorful strokes demonstrate a strong intentional technique. I use my paws, nails and tongue to create my work. I like to think my pieces are a reflection of the beauty I see in the world. Some think my paintings look like flowers...and aren't flowers one of nature's most beautiful gifts?

I appreciate all of you who have supported my art since I began painting in February of 2007. I will continue to paint and do my best to bring more beautiful pieces in the world to share. I hope you will look forward to what I create in my new studio in New York!

Lots of Licks,

PS: My human helped me write this post, because there were a lot of big words I didn't know how spell!

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