Friday, May 16, 2008

Heating Pad Heaven

These days, with the rain, and the cold, and the rain...I don't like to leave my chair with the wonderful heating pad. It is almost as good as the sun!

Here is a painting called Cotton Candy Paws. I hope it helps you to smile and think of sweet, cheerful things while we all wait for the yummy sun and warm weather to come back.

Lots of Licks,


Pet said...

Lian, I wish I could paint like you but I hate getting stuff on my paws. It's gross. I dunno how you stand it but you are very good. Your keen color sense must be because of the red-green colorblindness thingy, eh?


Antony Galbraith said...

Thanks Loki for the compliments!
I think I am one of the few doggies that can see all the colors! My favorite colors are pink and blue, those are the colors of all the toys I pick out myself.
I can understand the fur mess thing. Fortunately, I don't have much fur at all, so it isn't so messy.
Hey! I remember the kitty that used to live with us like to scratch things. Maybe you can create scratching art?