Sunday, April 20, 2008

Working in the Studio (with Collaboration)

Today my friend November visited me at my studio. Now that the weather is warmer, I can paint again. And what a great way to celebrate my first paintings of 2008 by having a friend come join me!

It was different working with someone other than my assistant. I was a little shy at first about stepping in the paint, I don’t know why! But, once I got my feet wet (so to speak), me and November had grand out time. In fact, I soon forgot all about staying on the canvas! I was running and jumping everywhere...what great fun!

Please come visit me at my studio this Friday and Saturday and see my new work! My studio will be open Friday, April 25th from 6-10:30 pm and Saturday, April 26th from 10-3pm!
510 Building: 1310 Pendleton Studio #1100, Cincinnati, OH.
I hope to see you there!

Lots of licks!
